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28/06/2010 11:06 # 1
Cấp độ: 3 - Kỹ năng: 3

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Ngày gia nhập: 13/06/2010
Bài gởi: 53
Được cảm ơn: 58
[Mediafire] Apache Roller 4.0: Beginner's Guide (With Source Code)

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Alfonso Romero "Apache Roller 4.0: Beginner's Guide (With Source Code)"
December 2009 | English | ISBN-13: 978-1-847199-50-8 | 388 Pages | PDF | 21.3 MB
Apache Roller enables you to build a fully-featured, multi-user blog server apt for all kinds of blogging sites. It is an ideal tool to create your own blogging network with unlimited users and blogs, forums, photo galleries, and more! While it is exciting to have a list of interesting features it can offer you, it might be a little difficult to get started with it by your self.

This book will teach you how to get started with Apache Roller and make the most of all its features using step-by-step, detailed instructions. You will learn how to establish your internet presence with an Apache Roller blog and use the latest web tools to enhance your posts and attract visitors. You will also learn how to promote your blog on popular social bookmarking services and customize it to suit your need.

This hands-on and practical book introduces you to Apache Roller. Starting off with the configuration and installation of your own blog, you'll then quickly learn how to add interesting content to your blog with the help of plenty of examples. You'll also learn how to change your blog's visual appearance with the help ofRoller themes and templates and how to create a community of blogs for you and your colleagues or friends in your Apache Roller blog server . The book also looks at ways you can manage your community, and keep your site safe and secure, ensuring that it is a spam-free, enjoyable community for your users.

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