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28/06/2010 11:06 # 1
Cấp độ: 3 - Kỹ năng: 3

Kinh nghiệm: 23/30 (77%)
Kĩ năng: 28/30 (93%)
Ngày gia nhập: 13/06/2010
Bài gởi: 53
Được cảm ơn: 58
[Mediafire]The 3-D Global Spatial Data Model: Foundation of the Spatial Data Infrastructure

Earl F. Burkholder "The 3-D Global Spatial Data Model: Foundation of the Spatial Data Infrastructure"
April 2008 | English | ISBN-13: 978-1-4200-6301-1 | 392 Pages | PDF | 6.14 MB
Traditional methods for handling spatial data are encumbered by the assumption of separate origins for horizontal and vertical measurements. Modern measurement systems operate in a 3-D spatial environment. The 3-DGlobal Spatial Data Model: Foundation of the Spatial Data Infrastructure offers a new model for handling digital spatial data, the global spatial data model or GSDM.

The GSDM preserves the integrity of three-dimensional spatial data while also providing additional benefits such as simpler equations, worldwide standardization, and the ability to track spatial data accuracy with greater specificity and convenience. This groundbreaking spatial model incorporates both a functional model and a stochastic model to connect the physical world to the ECEF rectangular system.

Combining horizontal and vertical data into a single, three-dimensional database, this authoritative monograph provides a logical development of theoretical concepts and practical tools that can be used to handle spatial data more efficiently. The book clearly describes procedures that can be used to handle both ECEF and flat-Earth rectangular components in the context of a rigorousglobal environment.

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