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24/10/2016 01:10 # 1
Cấp độ: 21 - Kỹ năng: 7

Kinh nghiệm: 193/210 (92%)
Kĩ năng: 5/70 (7%)
Ngày gia nhập: 28/12/2012
Bài gởi: 2293
Được cảm ơn: 215
[Fshare] Build Mobile Websites and Apps for Smart Devices

Build Mobile Websites and Apps for Smart Devices



Pass: FDTU


Build Mobile Websites and Apps for Smart Devices is a practical guide for front-end web designers and developers. You’ll discover a fun and fresh approach to mobile web design and development, with enormous scope for opportunity.

Mobile web development is changing rapidly, with a greater emphasis on modern touch-screen smartphones. By following the advice in this book, you can be sure you’re learning the skills youneed to make the most of this new technology.

You’ll learn how to:


  • Design effective interfaces for modern devices
  • Use HTML5 and CSS3 to build fast, responsive layouts that look great on every device
  • Use JavaScript to create a native feel with transitions, touch and swipe events, animations, and more
  • Introduces PhoneGap and shows readers how to add native functionally to their web app with ease
  • Leverage APIs to take advantage of built-in device functionality
  • Use PhoneGap to turn your web app into a native app for iOS, Android, BlackBerry, and other platforms—and sell it online


And lots more...





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