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22/07/2017 23:07 # 1
Cấp độ: 21 - Kỹ năng: 7

Kinh nghiệm: 193/210 (92%)
Kĩ năng: 5/70 (7%)
Ngày gia nhập: 28/12/2012
Bài gởi: 2293
Được cảm ơn: 215
[Fshare] Advanced Excel Tutorial

Advanced Excel Tutorial


Advanced Excel is a comprehensive tutorial that provides a good insight into the latest and advanced features available in Microsoft Excel 2013. It has plenty of screenshots that explain how to use a particular feature, in a step-by-step manner.


This tutorial has been designed for all those readers who depend heavily on MS-Excel to prepare charts, tables, and professional reports that involve complex data. It will help all those readers who use MS-Excel regularly to analyze data.


The readers of this tutorial are expected to have a good prior understanding of the basic features available in Microsoft Excel.



Pass: FDTU

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