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22/05/2017 22:05 # 1
Cấp độ: 21 - Kỹ năng: 7

Kinh nghiệm: 193/210 (92%)
Kĩ năng: 5/70 (7%)
Ngày gia nhập: 28/12/2012
Bài gởi: 2293
Được cảm ơn: 215
[Fshare] Test Driven Development in Ruby: A Practical Introduction to TDD Using Problem and Solution Domain Analysis

Learn the basics of test driven development (TDD) using Ruby. You will carry out problem domain analysis, solution domain analysis, designing test cases, and writing tests first. These fundamental concepts will give you a solid TDD foundation to build upon. Test Driven Development in Ruby is written by a developer for developers. The concepts are first explained, then a coding demo illustrates how to apply the theory in practice. At the end of each chapter an exercise is given to reinforce the material. Complete with working files and code samples, you'll be able to work alongside the author, a trainer, by following the material in this book. Title: Test Driven Development in Ruby: A Practical Introduction to TDD Using Problem and Solution Domain Analysis Author: BALA PARANJ Length: 288 pages Edition: 1st ed. Language: English Publisher: Apress



Pass: FDTU


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