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14/01/2013 20:01 # 1
Cấp độ: 13 - Kỹ năng: 11

Kinh nghiệm: 105/130 (81%)
Kĩ năng: 75/110 (68%)
Ngày gia nhập: 04/09/2011
Bài gởi: 885
Được cảm ơn: 625
USE linking words in writting English


Coordinators connect elements of equal importance. 

S + V , but 
S + V

(and, but, so, or, nor, for*, yet) 

S + V and V 
S and S + V 
N and N 
Adj. and Adj. 
Phrase and Phrase 
Can be used in a series: A, B, C, or D

 Subordinator connect elements of unequal importance. One clause is not as 
strong as the other. 

S + V although S + V
(although, even though, because, since*,

when, while, before*, after*, whenever,

wherever*, if, unless, whether?[or not]

as, as [adjective] as, so that, whereas

anywhere*, anytime*)
Although S + V , S + V

Sentence Connectors 

SEntence connect paragraphs or show relationship between very
different ideas. 

S + V . However, S + V
(however, therefore, thus, moreover,

nevertheless, first*, then*, next*, still*
S + V ; however, S + V
besides, consequently, furthermore)

 Preposition show relationship among elements of a sentence.
They are followed by noun phrases only and cannot take on a S + V. 

S + V (prep. phrase)
(during, after*, before*, in, on, at

despite, in spite of, for*, since*, by
(Prep. phrase), S + V
like, except, but*, about, to*, from

between [A and B], among, with
(Prep. phrase) V + S (unusual)
within, without, beside, near, next to)

* These words have more than one function. 
Coordinators (and, but, so, or, nor, for*, yet*) connect elements of equal importance. 
S + V , but S + V 
S + V and V 
S or S + V 
N and N 
Adj. and Adj. 
Phrase and Phrase 
Can be used in a series: A, B, C, or D
(A comma is normally used.) 
(No comma is necessary.) 

He drinks coffee, but she drinks tea.
(S + V , coordinator S +V)

Gary lives in Ohio, and Deana lives in Japan. 
She loves to dance, so she bought a studio. 
You could buy a car, or you could put the money in the bank. 

When there is a new subject and verb, a comma is used before (not after) the coordinator. 
I hate to sing but, I love to dance. (Incorrect) 
I hate to sing, but I love to dance. (Correct) 

John and George both play football.
Paul listens to music and reads books.
John, Paul, George, and Harry are classmates.

(two subjects)
(two verbs) 

*For is also commonly used as a preposition. Yet can sometimes be used as an adverb. 

For Practice: See
The most common subordinators are: 
although, even though,
because, since*, so that,
when, while, before*, after*, whenever,
wherever, anywhere,
if, unless, whether?[or not]
as, as [adjective] as,

(to show slight contrast)
(to give reasons)
(to indicate time relationships)
(to indicate place)
(to indicate conditions)
(to give comparisons)
(to show major contrast)

*These words can also be used as prepositions. 
Subordinators have an interesting effect on words in a sentence. A clause (S +V) without a subordinator can stand alone as a complete statement. 
I went to the store yesterday. 
(Complete statement)

However, when a subordinator is added, the statement seems incomplete. 
When I went to the store yesterday, . . .
(Well, what happened?)

The subordinating clause becomes dependent on something else to complete its meaning: 
When I went to the store yesterday, I saw an old friend.
(Idea is complete)

Subordinating or ?dependent? clauses can occur at the beginning or end of a sentence. When used at the beginning of a sentence, a comma is necessary after the clause itself. 
S + V although S + V 
Although S + V , S + V 
In English, the subordinator always comes before the subject and verb in a clause. 
I went to the grocery store after, I stopped at the bank. 
After I went to the grocery store, I stopped at the bank.

Subordinators and coordinators should not be used in the same sentence to introduce clauses. Choose one or the other, but do not use both together. 
Although Nina won the prize, but she was not happy.
Although Nina won the prize, she was not happy.
Nina won the prize, but she was not happy.

(Also correct)


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14/01/2013 20:01 # 2
Cấp độ: 13 - Kỹ năng: 11

Kinh nghiệm: 105/130 (81%)
Kĩ năng: 75/110 (68%)
Ngày gia nhập: 04/09/2011
Bài gởi: 885
Được cảm ơn: 625
Phản hồi: USE linking words in writting English

1. Showing examples (đưa ra ví dụ)

- For example

- For instance

- Such as ...

- To illustrate

2. Generalising (tổng quát, nói chung)

- Generally,

- In general,

- Generally speaking,

- Overall,

- On the whole,

- All things considered,

3. Specifying (nói chi tiết, cụ thể)

- In particular,

- Particularly,

- Specifically,

- To be more precise,

4. Expressing your opinion (nêu lên ý kiển của mình):

- In my opinion,

- Personally,

- From my point of view,

- From my perspective,

- It seems to me that...

- I believe that...

- It appears to me that ...

5. Constrasting ideas (đưa ra ý kiến đối lập):

- However,

- Nevertheless,

- On the other hand,

- On the contrary,

- Nonetheless,

- Although......, .....

- ....while/whereas

6. Comparing (so sánh):

- ....similar to...

- Similarly,

- In much the same way,


7. Adding information (thêm vào ý kiến):

- Moreover,

- Furthermore,

- In addition,

- Besides,

- What's more,

- Apart from...,

- Also,

- Additionally,

8. Expressing certainty (thể hiện sự chắc chắn về điều gì đó):

- Certainly,

- Undoubtedly,

- Obviously,

- It is obvious/clear that...

- Definitely

9. Expressing agreement (đưa ra sự đồng tình):

- agreement that...

- accordance with..

- Accordingly

10. Stating the reason why something occurs/happens (đưa ra lí do, nguyên nhân):

- Due to...

- Owing to...

- This is due to ...

- ...because...

- ...because of...

11. Stating the effect/result (đưa ra hậu quả, kết quả):

- As a result,

- Therefore,

- Thus,

- For this reason,

- Consequently,

- As a consequence,

12. Sequencing (thứ tự):

- Firstly,

- Secondly,

- Thirdly,

- Finally,

- Lastly,

- At the same time,

- Meanwhile,

13. Concluding (kết luận):

- To conclude,

- In conclusion,

- To summarise,

- In summary,

- In short,

- To conclude with,


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